Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hospital Management System Or EMR- Electronic Medical Record In Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Its been quite a long time since I have blogged, well in the past I was associated in builiding what's known as the future step, creating Hospital Management System in NAV or you can say creating Electronic medical record. So what is the definition of Electronic Medical record, An electronic medical record is usually a computerized legal medical record created in an organization that delivers care, such as a hospital and doctor's surgery.[1] Electronic medical records tend to be a part of a local stand-alone health information system that allows storage, retrieval and manipulation of records.

The definition seems pretty simple and convincing but the issue arises when you are actually to develop the same and that too with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Asking about the question of what is the arena of this HMS that was being developed in NAV, these are

-Patient Registration and Demographic Information Tracking
-Online Prescriptions
-Patient Drug charts, dispensing drugs, fluids and Vital signs mapping
-Third Party Insurance
-Imaging & Radiology
-Operation Theater Management
-Patient Transfers
-Out Patient Treatments
-Ward Management
-Patient Billing

There are some of key learnings with this which I feel I must share. The key learnings in this are
-Infrastructure for HMS/EMR
-Development Issue
-Change Management